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"Le degré de la lenteur est directement proportionnel

à l'intensité de la mémoire ; le degré de la vitesse

est directement proportionnel à l'intensité de l'oubli."

Milan Kundera, La lenteur. 

I weave and embroider, creating the surface on which I apply the patterns. These motifs have two functions: to give rhythm to space and to poetically materialize the time of gestures. My work is situated at the point of tension between art, craft and industry. It is rooted in the world of textiles as a place full of metaphors, in dialogue with collective memory and collective imagination. In the field of contemporary art, the use of handcrafted practices, by the artist himself and not by his assistants or service providers, is for me a political choice.


The objects I create are the result of the back-and-forth of needles, of hours of materialized labour, of know-how accumulated by generations of bodies repeating the same gestures: all this universe of stories ends up living in the space. This approach seeks to situate itself in a corner of contemporary discourse in the face of a society of permanent acceleration. That's why I emphasize time-consuming and slow crafts techniques.

I embroider and weave, pictures and objects, ideas and forms, the materiality that we miss when things become matter of memory. The things that emerge are finite, and at the same time they could be transformed and modified ad infinitum, in a utopian desire.

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